The BEST Way To Treat Your Pet's Wounds!

We’ve all been there; we or our pets get a scrape, we brush it off, and let nature take its time to heal on its own. And more often-than-not, everything works out fine. But do you know the best way to heal a wound? A way that reduces risk of infection, lowers the chance of scarring, and actually helps your pet’s wounds heal faster? It’s very easy, and we encourage you to do these steps every time you come across a wound.


The Healing Process

So let’s start at the very beginning; your pet got a scratch and needs treatment. What do you do and where do you start?

Step 1: Clean

Clean the wound of dirt and dust by using a saline wound wash or similar cleansers. This way the wound doesn’t try to heal with bacteria and other nasties that can cause infection of the wound. If there is hair surrounding the wound, trim it away to further reduce the amount of outside interaction for the wound.

Step 2: Spread

Once the wound is clean, spread a layer of HoneyCure over the wound. This should help kill any remaining bacteria, and the manuka honey will promote faster and cleaner healing of the wound. To learn more about the healing properties of manuka honey, check out this Buzz post

Step 3: Repeat

Cover the wound and redress it every 6-12 hours. Continue to keep the wound moist for best results. You should be able to see results within three days.

Following these instructions your pet’s wound should see improvement quickly and safely; with a lower chance of scarring as well.


Why This Works

Now that you know how to dress wounds that will heal faster, safer, and with reduced scarring, you’re probably wondering WHY this works. In our previous blog articles, we have covered the differences between wet and dry healing and why we suggest a wet healing approach. Be sure to go learn more from the posts above, but a quick summary is that a wet wound allows the body to continue providing nutrients to a wound, compared to a dry wound that will scab over and damage nerve endings. By continuing to redress wounds and keep them moist with bandages and HoneyCure, the body can continue to provide nutrients to the wound while also getting the help and benefits of manuka honey!

So next time your pets get injured, you now know the quickest and safest way to get them back into action!