Posts in Wound Care
How-To For HoneyCure

One of the most common questions we get here at HoneyCure is: “How in the world do I use HoneyCure?” or, “what’s the best way to use HoneyCure?” They’re a really common question. And honestly, some of the situations our pets get into make life interesting, and we understand. Not every wound is the same, and especially with things like “happy tail,” just how to get any first aid product on them at all seems like a puzzle.

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Manuka Magic

It’s no secret that one of the most important parts of HoneyCure is, well, the honey! At EnBiologics, we exclusively use high-grade Manuka honey for our products, but when we’re out at events a lot of people ask, what makes the honey we use so special? The magic is in the Manuka.

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